Working capital allocation drop down box not aligned

Working Capital
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Lyndall Marwick A 2
Working capital allocation drop down box not aligned


I am working in a historical and forecast model - Generic COA 2.

On the working capital assumptions sheet, the drop-down boxes for the allocation of which expense line is allocated to a creditors account do not align to the expenses, screenshot:

I have tried to replace the creditor's module (Modano>Modules>Replace>From Web), as well as remove and insert a new module from the web, but those actions do not fix this error. 

Anyone else had this problem?

Thanks Lyndall

Michael Hutchens A+ 189

Hi Lyndall,

Try running the Refresh Controls tool (Build tab, Forms menu, Refresh Workbook Controls).

There’s an annoying bug in a recent Excel update that’s impacting controls and you’re seeing some of the side effects. We’ll be releasing an upgrade soon to address this but in the interim the Refresh Workbook Controls tool is usually a workaround.

Let me know how you go. M.

Lyndall Marwick A 2

That worked, thanks! Interesting it only worked on the file that I had deleted and inserted a new creditors module, not on the file that had the existing creditors model. 

Michael Hutchens A+ 189

It's a result of a recent change to Excel, we think Microsoft aren't huge fans of the old controls so they're becoming a bit buggy due to neglect.

We've added some code to our next upgrade which we hope mitigates this issue going forward, but keep us posted if you keep seeing it come up. 

Thanks, M.

Michael Hutchens A+ 189

As a closing comment/conclusion on this thread for future reference, there are 2 ways around this issue if it arises on your machine:

  1. Run the Refresh Workbook Controls tool (Build tab, Forms menu, Refresh Workbook Controls); an
  2. If you have ongoing issues, switch off Allow controls to move and size with cells if possible in the Modano Options dialog (Modano tab, Options menu, Options), as shown below.


If this doesn't work you can email our support team and we can clean up the workbook for you.

Ivan B 0

Hi Michael, 

I tried both of above on the wealth planning, neither worked, funny enough, sometimes when I inserted category, it just aligned but sometimes it does not, I end cut off the control box and manually input the numbers. Any way of changing this?