Using Excel Version History

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Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58
Using Excel Version History

Hi Modano team,

What is the official advise on using the Version History in Excel (which is avaliable when saving to OneDrive) on the same file name compared to save as and using different version numbers (v1.01 etc)?

Your response is much appreciated


Michael Hutchens A+ 189

Hi Tarjei,

We have used the Save As with version incrementing approach for years, long before OneDrive even existed, so on one level it's habit as much as anything.

Having said that, I personally prefer to have older versions available in Windows Explorer, but this may be simply because I've not used One Drive's version history tool to recover older versions.

Also, we always switch on the version comment requirement, which leaves a full history of version change explanations as per

Does OneDrive do this too? Because I find it very valuable, especially when working in teams on the same file.
