Replacing revenue categories within financial model

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Cornell Tsiang 1 X 3
Replacing revenue categories within financial model

Hi all

Instead of using the dynamic template, is it possible to replace the revenue drivers within a new financial model with a SaaS revenue module?



James Longden A+ 103

Hi Cornell,

This is possible, with varying levels of ease, depending on exactly which model new financial model you are using.

What specific time series are you using? And what type of model do you have? Single component, variable drivers, historical-then-forecast, etc.

If you can let me know the model (or better still, BUILD / CELL BLOCKS / RESET ASSUMPTIONS and upload to this thread), I can give some more specific advice.

Cheers. J.

Cornell Tsiang 1 X 3

Hi James

I am using the single entity financial model:

  • Monthly, historical & forecast
  • Chart of accounts 4
  • Historical Then Forecast, Variable Drivers
  • Scenarios

Thank you 



James Longden A+ 103

Hi Cornell,

Given that your current model variant is Historical-Then-Forecast, Variable Drivers, and the modules of the existing SaaS content are all currently All Periods, Single Component, there's going to be some strange behaviour using either CHANGE DRIVER or REPLACE MODULE.

As such, I would probably look to go down the INSERT MODULE route, to add in the SaaS modules to your model, and then change the historical headings.

The following example has three current revenue categories:

These flow into variable drivers, shown below using Amounts driver modules for simplicity:

If you want to change the mechanism of My Revenue 2 for a SaaS module, the process is to click MODANO / INSERT MODULE / FROM WEB and in the dialog to click the bottom left checkbox SHOW LIBRARIES PANE:

This will allow you to then choose the SaaS Library and insert the SaaS Revenue. Selecting this will change the library per the following:

This will add in the SaaS revenue as a new Revenue Category 4:

The penultimate step on the Historical Income Statement is to copy the My Revenue 2 information down to Revenue Category 4:

And finally to delete the redundant original My Revenue 2 category.

This will leave you with My Revenue 2 (New) now flowing through SaaS analysis:

A key point to note is that any SaaS modules that contain prepaid revenue require a deferred revenue line item in the balance sheet. The One Financial Model or Generic Single Entity models lack this chart of account item, so you will need to either use a SaaS model as your starting point, or re-purpose one of the Other Current Liability balance sheet lines.

Cheers. J.

Cornell Tsiang 1 X 3

HI James


Thanks for the instructions.  Made it straightforward.  I also added in a historical SaaS deferred revenue module which fitted in nicely on top of the SaaS revenue categories.  Then linked that def rev balance to a current liability.



Thanks !