Overview sheet vs Cover and Contents sheets

Overview SheetCover SheetContents Sheet
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Jessica Saigar 3 X 1
Overview sheet vs Cover and Contents sheets


I have recently moved my licence to a new laptop, and am putting the default settings to how I like (i.e. logo, grey background on assumptions, default time series). 

I am having difficulty setting it up so the default is a cover sheet and contents page, rather than the combined overview sheet. Where do i find this in the settings? 


Michael Hutchens A+ 189

Hi Jessica,

Modano X does not allow for the cover and content sheets to be inserted by default, primarily because we received so many requests to combine them that we assumed nobody wanted them separate anymore...

Having said that, there's nothing to stop you simply deleting the Overview sheet and then inserting a Cover sheet via the Insert Base Sheet menu on the sheet tab (ply) shortcut menu, as shown below:

When you do this you'll also be asked if you'd like to insert a Contents sheet with the Cover sheet, as shown below:
And if you click Yes to this dialog you'll have a workbook with the old school Cover and Contents sheets, working perfectly.
Sorry for the inconvenience but the deprecated Cover and Contents sheets are fully supported once inserted, so this shouldn't take up too much of your time.
It's interesting to me that you don't want to combine them... We've found our users generally prefer more sheets than less, hence our move towards the Overview sheet instead of separate Cover and Contents sheets...