How to automatically align the time series of independent modular workbooks

Time Series AssumptionsAPI
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Michael Hutchens A+ 189
How to automatically align the time series of independent modular workbooks

Hi Guys,

We've had some of our more advanced users ask if there's any way to automatically align the time series assumptions of multiple modular workbooks that are not located in a linked workbook project, and thereby prevent the need to manually open each workbook and enter the time series assumptions.

The most common example of this scenario is when users are working with multiple related modular workbooks, but have chosen not to include them in the same project for practical reasons, such as ease of independent distribution and use.

Hence, we've created an example of some VBA code which leverages the Modano API to open all modular workbooks in a folder and align their time series assumptions (and sheets) with those entered into a single workbook. To experience this take the following steps:

  1. Download the attached modular workbooks into the same directory;
  2. Open TimeSeriesWorkbook1.xlsb;
  3. Go to the time series assumptions in this workbook;
  4. Change the time series assumptions as required (e.g. change the number of time series periods); then
  5. Click the Align All Workbooks button to align the time series assumptions (and sheets) in all other workbooks in the folder.

The code requires all workbooks in the folder to have identical time series assumptions, so if you have other workbooks put them in a sub-folder, etc.

The VBA code to run this is located in a module named mAlignTimeSeries, which calls code from the Modano API, which has been imported into this workbook. You can download the Modano API using this link and import all the classes within it by clicking the Import button within it.

Source Code

For those with VBA skills I've provided the entire alignment code within the mAlignTimeSeries module so you can check it out below.

We've used this code/procedure in many client models and it works extremely well, saving minutes each time it is used. So feel free to implement as required.


Option Explicit

Sub AlignRelatedWorkbookTimeSeriesAssumptions()

    'Aligns the time series assumptions (and sheets) of all workbooks in the same folder as this workbook.

    'Private declarations:
    Dim fContinue As Boolean
    Dim objFileSystemObject As Object
    Dim objFolder As Object
    Dim objFile As Object
    Dim strFilePath As String
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim rgobjFileNames As New Collection
    Dim nUpdatedWorkbooksCount As Integer
    Dim modappConnection As New ModanoApplication
    'Checks for valid connection:
    fContinue = modappConnection.ValidConnection(Nothing, False)

    'Asks user:
    If fContinue Then
        fContinue = (MsgBox("Would you like to align the time series assumptions of all the " & _
            "workbooks in the same folder as the current workbook?" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
            "IMPORTANT NOTE: You should save a backup of the entire folder containing the current " & _
            "workbook and its related workbooks before aligning time series assumptions.", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, _
            "Update Time Series Assumptions") = vbOK)
    End If
    'Updates all files in the parent directory other than this workbook:
    If fContinue Then
        Set objFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set objFolder = objFileSystemObject.GetFolder(ThisWorkbook.Path)
        For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
            strFilePath = objFile.Path
            strFileName = objFile.Name
            If ((InStr(strFileName, "~") = 0) And (strFileName <> ThisWorkbook.Name)) Then
                Application.StatusBar = "Updating time series of related workbook '" & strFileName & "'..."
                If ProjectTimeSeriesUpdated(modappConnection, strFilePath, strFileName) Then
                    nUpdatedWorkbooksCount = nUpdatedWorkbooksCount + 1
                    fContinue = False
                    Call MsgBox("The time series assumptions within the workbook '" & strFilePath & _
                        "' could not be updated.", vbExclamation, "Update Time Series Assumptions")
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        Next objFile
        Application.StatusBar = False
    End If
    'Activates this workbook again:
    'Informs of success:
    If fContinue Then
        Select Case nUpdatedWorkbooksCount
            Case 0
                Call MsgBox("No other workbooks were updated updated.", vbInformation, "Update Time Series Assumptions")
            Case 1
                Call MsgBox("The time series assumptions of 1 workbook were aligned with this workbook.", vbInformation, "Update Time Series Assumptions")
            Case Else
                Call MsgBox("The time series assumptions of " & nUpdatedWorkbooksCount & " workbooks were aligned with this workbook.", vbInformation, "Update Time Series Assumptions")
        End Select
    End If
End Sub

Private Function ProjectTimeSeriesUpdated(ByVal modappConnection As ModanoApplication, _
                                          ByVal strProjectPath As String, _
                                          ByVal strWorkbookName As String) As Boolean

    'Returns true if the time series is updated in the designated project:
    'NOTE: The project is assumed to have the same time series module as this project.

    'Private declarations:
    Dim fUpdated As Boolean
    Dim fContinue As Boolean
    Dim strErrorMessage As String
    Dim xlwsSourceTsAssAssRows As Excel.Range
    Dim xlwsDestinationTsAssAssRows As Excel.Range
    Dim projActive As Project
    Dim remresxlsettingsApplied As RemoveRestoreExcelSettings
    Dim nTsAssRowsCount As Long
    Dim nTsAssRowNumber As Long
    Dim xlrngRowSource As Excel.Range
    Dim xlrngRowDestination As Excel.Range
    Dim rgxlrngRowCellBlocks As Variant
    Dim nIndex As Long
    Dim xlrngSource As Excel.Range
    Dim xlrngDestination As Excel.Range
    Dim xlwbUpdate As Excel.Workbook
    Dim fWorkbookOpened As Boolean
    Dim fAssumptionsAligned As Boolean
    'Assumes OK to start:
    fContinue = True
    'Gets the time series assumptions sheet in this workbook:
    If fContinue Then
        Set xlwsSourceTsAssAssRows = GetWorkbookTimeSeriesAssumptionsRows(modappConnection, Application.ThisWorkbook)
        If (xlwsSourceTsAssAssRows Is Nothing) Then
            fContinue = False
            strErrorMessage = "The time series assumptions in the workbook '" & strProjectPath & "' could not be updated " & _
                "because the time series assumptions could not be located within this workbook."
        End If
    End If

    'Opens if necessary:
    If fContinue Then
        On Error Resume Next
        Set xlwbUpdate = Application.Workbooks(strWorkbookName)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If (xlwbUpdate Is Nothing) Then
            Set xlwbUpdate = Application.Workbooks.Open(strProjectPath)
            If (xlwbUpdate Is Nothing) Then
                fContinue = False
                strErrorMessage = "The time series assumptions in the workbook '" & strProjectPath & "' could not be updated " & _
                    "because this workbook could not be opened." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
                    "Open this workbook manually to align time series assumptions."
                fWorkbookOpened = True
            End If
        ElseIf (UCase(xlwbUpdate.FullName) <> UCase(strProjectPath)) Then
            fContinue = False
            strErrorMessage = "The time series assumptions in the workbook '" & strProjectPath & "' could not be updated " & _
                "because a workbook named '" & strWorkbookName & "' is already open." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
                "Close this workbook before reattempting to align time series assumptions."
        End If
    End If
    'Gets the project:
    If fContinue Then
        Set projActive = modappConnection.GetActiveProject
        If (projActive Is Nothing) Then
            fContinue = False
            strErrorMessage = "The time series assumptions in the workbook '" & strProjectPath & "' could not be updated " & _
                "because the Modano Excel add-in could not locate its project." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
                "Please contact Modano if this problem persists."
        End If
    End If
    'Gets the modular workbook time series assumptions rows:
    If fContinue Then
        Set xlwsDestinationTsAssAssRows = GetWorkbookTimeSeriesAssumptionsRows(modappConnection, xlwbUpdate)
        If (xlwsDestinationTsAssAssRows Is Nothing) Then
            fContinue = False
            strErrorMessage = "The time series assumptions in the workbook '" & strProjectPath & "' could not be updated " & _
                "because the time series assumptions could not be located within this workbook."
        ElseIf (xlwsDestinationTsAssAssRows.Address <> xlwsSourceTsAssAssRows.Address) Then
            fContinue = False
            strErrorMessage = "The time series assumptions in the workbook '" & strProjectPath & "' could not be updated " & _
                "because they are not identical to the time series assumptions in this workbook."
        End If
    End If

    'Temporarily removes Excel settings:
    If fContinue Then Set remresxlsettingsApplied = New RemoveRestoreExcelSettings
    'Aligns the time series assumptions:
    If fContinue Then
        'Allows for errors:
        On Error Resume Next
        nTsAssRowsCount = xlwsDestinationTsAssAssRows.Rows.Count
        For nTsAssRowNumber = 1 To nTsAssRowsCount
            Set xlrngRowDestination = xlwsDestinationTsAssAssRows.Rows(nTsAssRowNumber)
            rgxlrngRowCellBlocks = modappConnection.GetRowCellBlockRanges(xlrngRowDestination)
            If IsArray(rgxlrngRowCellBlocks) Then
                Set xlrngRowSource = xlwsSourceTsAssAssRows.Rows(nTsAssRowNumber)
                For nIndex = LBound(rgxlrngRowCellBlocks) To UBound(rgxlrngRowCellBlocks)
                    Set xlrngDestination = rgxlrngRowCellBlocks(nIndex)
                    Set xlrngDestination = xlrngDestination.Cells(1, 1)
                    Set xlrngSource = xlrngRowSource.Cells(1, xlrngDestination.Column)
                    If ((Not xlrngSource.Locked) And (Not xlrngSource.HasFormula)) Then
                        If ((Not xlrngDestination.Locked) And (Not xlrngDestination.HasFormula)) Then
                            If ((xlrngSource.Style.Name = xlrngDestination.Style.Name) And _
                                (xlrngSource.NumberFormat = xlrngDestination.NumberFormat)) Then
                                Application.EnableEvents = False
                                xlrngDestination.Value = xlrngSource.Value
                                fAssumptionsAligned = True
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                Next nIndex
            End If
        Next nTsAssRowNumber
        'Removes error handling:
        On Error GoTo 0
    End If
    'Restores settings:
    If (Not remresxlsettingsApplied Is Nothing) Then Call remresxlsettingsApplied.RestoreSettings
    'Checks for something updated:
    If fContinue Then
        If (Not fAssumptionsAligned) Then
            fContinue = False
            strErrorMessage = "The time series assumptions in the workbook '" & strProjectPath & "' could not be updated " & _
                "because its time series assumptions were not consistent with those in this workbook." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
                "Please contact Modano if this problem persists."
        End If
    End If

    'Updates the time series period titles:
    If fContinue Then
        fUpdated = projActive.TimeSeriesPeriodTitlesUpdated(True)
        If (Not fUpdated) Then
            fContinue = False
            strErrorMessage = "The time series assumptions in the workbook '" & strProjectPath & "' could not be updated " & _
                "by the Modano Excel add-in." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
                "Upgrade your Modano Excel add-in to the latest version and contact Modano if this problem persists."
        End If
    End If
    'If the workbook was opened, saves and closes it:
    On Error GoTo 0
    If fContinue Then
        If fWorkbookOpened Then
            If (Not projActive.Save("")) Then
                fContinue = False
                fUpdated = False
                strErrorMessage = "The workbook '" & strProjectPath & "' could not be saved " & _
                    "by the Modano Excel add-in." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
                    "Upgrade your Modano Excel add-in to the latest version and contact Modano if this problem persists."
                Call projActive.CloseProject
            End If
        End If
    End If

    'Warns if error:
    If (Not fContinue) Then
        If (Len(strErrorMessage) > 0) Then
            Call MsgBox(strErrorMessage, vbExclamation, "Update Time Series Assumptions")
        End If
    End If
    ProjectTimeSeriesUpdated = fUpdated

End Function

Private Function GetWorkbookTimeSeriesAssumptionsRows(modappConnection As ModanoApplication, _
                                                      xlwbModularWorkbook As Excel.Workbook) As Excel.Range
    'Returns the time series assumptions Excel rows range within the specified modular workbook:
    Dim xlrngTsAssRows As Excel.Range
    Dim mwbThisWorkbook As ModulesWorkbook
    Dim modTimeSeries As ModanoModule
    Dim modcompTsAss As ModuleComponent
    If (Not modappConnection Is Nothing) Then
        If (Not xlwbModularWorkbook Is Nothing) Then
            Set mwbThisWorkbook = modappConnection.GetWorkbookModulesWorkbook(xlwbModularWorkbook)
            If (Not mwbThisWorkbook Is Nothing) Then
                Set modTimeSeries = mwbThisWorkbook.Modules.GetTimeSeriesModule
                If (Not modTimeSeries Is Nothing) Then
                    Set modcompTsAss = modTimeSeries.ModuleComponents.FirstAssumptionsModuleComponent
                    If (Not modcompTsAss Is Nothing) Then
                        Set xlrngTsAssRows = modcompTsAss.ExcelRowsRange
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Set GetWorkbookTimeSeriesAssumptionsRows = xlrngTsAssRows
End Function


Jun Yan A+ 124

Awesome! Super helpful, thanks Mike!
