Changing Multiple Allocations at once

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gmajor A+ 0
Changing Multiple Allocations at once

Hi All,

Is there a shortcut way of changing (say) all the Expenses Allocations for Creditors from "None (Cash)" to "Trade Creditors" without having to edit each single drop down box? I can't seem to be able to edit these drop down boxes en masse.



James Longden A+ 103

Hi Greg,

If you use the arrow keys to select the cells underneath the left hand side of the dropdown, you can enter the corresponding value of the dropdown box en masse.

Shown below with the dropdown boxes moved over and down slightly:

1 is the first value = "None (Cash)", with the debtor categories 1, 2, 3, the values 2, 3, 4, and so on.

Thanks. J.

gmajor A+ 0

Thanks James....should have thought of that! Cheers!