Multi Business Units

Adding Opex to Multi-Business Unit

A questions came up on a support call the other day, asking how to insert a head office opex module into the Multi-Business Unit content.

As background to the issue: when inserting an opex module into a multi-BU model, the additional opex categories are added to the historial income statement, which also triggers the modules-as-categories mechanism, and adds three new business units.

The key to circumventing this is that you need to first insert spare categories into the historical income statement - via Insert rather than Insert Categories.

Adding/Removing Business Units Categories & to link them through out the model

Good Day 

Kindly assist with my current dilemma. 

In the Multi Business unit model dynamic template. 

I'm struggling to add a new category to the Business unit categories, as the company i'm modeling needs more than just revenue and & cost of goods sold Categories.

My question is, is there an easier way to add more categories into the model via the Business Units categories Tab  and to link the category through out the model.

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