Lookup Tables

Merging Lookup tables

Hi everyone,

I noted that my modular workbook contains a number of hidden different lookup sheets (all ending with '_LU') with lookup tables which are all linked to their specific modules. I am wondering whether I can merge the lookup tables of the various different lookup sheets. Maybe similar to the way that I am able to move modular content from one sheet to another via Build --> Project Manager --> Contents (Drag and Drop).



autonaming of lookups when using multiple modules


I am new to this forum and hoping someone could help me and explain how to do something with the software. 

Basically. When I insert multiple asset modules into my model and customize them, say for assets at cost, fair value and capitalized bank fees, the autoprefix on my lookup tables are always LU_Asset_1, LU_Asset_2 etc.

I want to make this more logical and relevant to the module so rather than 1,2,3... they say Cost, FV, Fees etc. For example. LU_Asset_Cost, LU_Asset_Fees etc. 

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