Weekly Import Process

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James Longden A+ 103
Weekly Import Process

A number of people have raised the following through support, so I thought it was worth documenting in the forum.

When using the Weekly Historical-Forecast content and importing directly from accounting packages, there is a disconnect between the historical income statement data and historical balance sheet data, due to the way accounting packages provide the balance sheet data.

Using a simple example of $100 income for four weeks, when running the import assumptions tool at the end of the month, the following pattern of data is brought in:

The income statement recognises the day-specific timing of the revenue into each week correctly. However, the balance sheet ignores this specific timing and presents the month-end data in each period. This relates to how accounting packages provide API access to balance sheet data. Related, I haven’t been able to export a day-specific balance sheet from Xero, only a month-end version.

The knock-on effect of the above is the creation of an implied historical dividend paid profile in the cash flow statement:

The historical balance sheet has 8-Jan cash moving to $400, despite there only being $100 of revenue. This is balanced in Modano’s content through a historical dividend paid as a negative payment of $300, with the subsequent periods assuming that the $100 of revenue (in the absence of a movement in cash) is paid out as a dividend.

The way to resolve the above impact is to import historical data on a weekly basis, such that the closing balance sheet each week is accessing the month-end balance sheet as if this was the end of the week, assuming no-one has posted any future dated journals, income, expenditure beyond the end of the week in question.

Using the above example, if the import assumptions tool is run on a weekly basis, even though the accounting package is providing the end of the month / 29-Jan balance sheet, this should reflect the end of each week (assuming no future dated transactions) as shown below:

This will also iron out the historical implied dividends, as the movement in historical cash from the historical balance sheet data is accounted for entirely with the historical income statement data, $100 in each week.