Subsidiaries and Consolidation Financial Model

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PriyeshDhana A 0
Subsidiaries and Consolidation Financial Model

Hi there

We are wanting to build a financial model in modano that has:

  • inputs for 3 'subsidiary' companies, each of which we require financial statement outputs for
  • an output module that shows consolidated financial figures for the 3 subsidiaries

Is anyone able to advise how I can do this or where I can find instructions.


Michael Hutchens A+ 189

Hi Priyesh,

As I'm sure you're aware, the modules provided for download on the Modano website don't currently facilitate completely automated consolidations. However, we are currently developing these suites as a priority for release over the next couple of months. The system is actually perfect for this type of analysis, and it can be done a large number of different ways while retaining scalability. Hence, it's a top priority for us getting the suites done.

In the interim, our Implementation team has been providing a lot of M&A, consolidations and business unit modeling support to users needing this type of analysis, so I'd recommend buying some support credits (via and speaking with one of the team about your requirement. As a starting point, you can always use the contact form to submit a confidential inquiry to get a better idea of how much support you might need. Usually, the team will point you in the right direction and then help you only when you hit walls, so the support cost is not a large percentage of the model build cost.

There is a prior forum discussion about consolidations that you might also want to check out:


James Wallace A+ 8


Will the suite you are developing enable multi-currency consolidation? For example, consolidation of subsidiaries that present in a currency that differs to the group presentation currency?


Michael Hutchens A+ 189

James - we'll be releasing an ever-increasind range of modules and modular workbooks that address all of these complexities. It's just a matter of time and resources.

We're confident that we'll release some single-currency consolidation examples before the end of June 2017, and perhaps if we're productive some multi-currency examples too. We're doing a lot of support in this area so it's quickly becoming a priority for us.

James Wallace A+ 8

Thanks. In addition to multi-currency workings, inter-company balances and transactions are also a difficult area to get right in consoldiation workbooks.