Subcategory in expense

Categoriessubtotalscategories within categories
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LG B+ 1
Subcategory in expense


I try customise the operating expenditure modular, but need more detail under each categories, how to add subcategory under each category? Thanks.


Michael Hutchens A+ 189

Hi LG,

Modano doesn’t (currently) support categories within categories, but there are other ways you can achieve the same outcome...

One option is to insert sub-totals into category blocks to break up the categories into sub-totals:

Another approach is to use the operating expenditure module as a category itself using the Duplicate (or Mirror) module tool:

Using this approach each operating expenditure module would be a category, and the categories with it would be categories within this category.

Depending on how you’re importing your historical data you may want to amend the module links into your operating expenditure modules if taking this approach so that they link in total-only historical data rather than all categories, which is what I’ve always done when using modules as categories...

I hope this helps, M.

LG B+ 1

Thank you. 

Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi LG,

This is our way of trying to play around with it. It's a simple bring in the historical account categories and then forecast using more detailed categories.

If there's more detailed (and differing) Opex calculations required, we've left link-ins to allow for us to pick up one of our existing Opex modules with detailed logic, and directly link totals in.

Hope this gives you another option.
