New Link type

Module Links
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Simon Selkrig A+ 2
New Link type

Hi Modano

I've created a new Link called "Net VAT", which I have been able to successfully Link Out from the line item in my tax assumptions tab, however when I try to link it into my Financial Statements sheet I am only able to Link In the col J of the time series of data.

Please what I am doing wrong.

Michael Hutchens A+ 189

Hi Simon,

How are you entering your links into your financial statements? Becuase if you're creating links via formula entry you should simply be able to manually enter formulas to link the cell blocks within the different modules.

However, if you've used the Module Links Out tool to create and add your new "Net VAT" link to your tax module - which is the best approach if you're planning on reusing the module in other financial models - you need to make sure that you've included the required link out blocks. To do this, ensure that they are checked in the 'Included cell blocks' section of the Module Links Out dialog, as shown below:

You then need to do the same when assigning the same module link to your dependent modules using the Module Links In dialog box, as shown below:
We haven't yet created an advanced module linking training exercise (it's coming over the next few months), but there's an entire section of the Modano user guide discussing it that I'd recommend you read if you're advanced enough to be asking these types of questions:
I hope this helps, links are challenging when you first start using them properly, but they're also the key to building modular scalable financial models so it's well worth hanging in there until they make sense!
Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi Simon,

Further to Michael's comment. I can see from the picture that the cell in col J has a style applied. Without the style the link in won't work. Just ctrl + r from the cell. 

Hope that helps!


Simon Selkrig A+ 2

Hi Jun

Thanks for your feedback. I have since realised that, further to the feedback both you & Mike provided.


regards Simon