Model Review Features for Non-Modano Models

reviewauditingModule Content Reportsearch & repair
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lazuardi128 X 0
Model Review Features for Non-Modano Models

Hi All,

Can we use modano auditing tools like module content report/search & repair to review non-modano models? Is it possible to retrieve the audit result (in excel/pdf format)? My objective is to do model review quickly and retrieve the report.



Michael Hutchens A+ 189

Hi Ardi,

You can use all the Review tools on any workbook, modular or freeform, with the exception of the Module Content Report tool, which is by nature a tool for reporting issues in modules and modular workbooks.

You can also add an Issues Register to any workbook, modular or freeform, and automatically add all detected issues by the Search & Repair tool to this issues register (by clicking the Add to Issues Register button), as shown below. You can then export this sheet from Excel into PDF (File tab, Export, Create PDF/XPS) to create a perfectly printing high-resolution scalable summary of the outstanding issues in your model.

I recommend doing the Review Fundamentals training exercise, which will teach you all of this, and is actually done on a freeform (i.e. non-modular) workbook.


lazuardi128 X 0

Thanks a lot Michael!