Links on Project Manager

Module Links
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Iman Lazuardi A+ 5
Links on Project Manager

Dear Modano Team,

Previously when I double click on any link on project manager as shown below, it will take me to the corresponding row on the model that uses the link. I always use the updated version of modano, but now when I do this step nothing happens. Is this has something to do with the latest version? Need your kind advise on this issue.



Michael Hutchens A+ 189

Hi Iman,

Thanks for picking this up, it was in fact an unintentional change in a recent upgrade, and we've now reinstated this functionality.

It will be available in the next upgrade within 2 weeks, so please check for updates to ensure that you install the new version when it becomes availlable.

Iman Lazuardi A+ 5

Hi Michael,

It works fine now. Thanks a lot!


