Intercompany Dividend Eliminations

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James Longden A+ 103
Intercompany Dividend Eliminations

Attached is a workbook that steps through the eliminations required for removing intercompany dividends between a parent and subsidiary entity.

No details explanation in the body of this post - the model is comprehensively annotated, so best to hit BUILD / AUDITING / LOCATE WIP RANGES and read through the detailed notes.

Recommend reading through Entity 2 (subsidiary), Entity 1 (parent co.) and then the Consolidated Financial Statements as the best flow. Cheers. J.

Jun Yan A+ 124

Awesome, thanks for this James! I did actually get a bit confused about running eliminations, but this makes a lot of sense.


Jun Yan A+ 124

Hey James,

What's the best way, or is there a rule of thumb in this, to decide the sign to apply to the input figure? Cause it does seem like the category you select in cash flow impact automatically negates (or not) depending on the category you've selected?



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