Free Form Formulas versus Links Again

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Nick Ogle A+ 6
Free Form Formulas versus Links Again

Hello Team, I cannot get away from this ongoing problem. It probably me, but.... I am going around and around in circles and never bottoming this out.

I cannot get links right and am being forced to corrupt my models with freeform formulas.

An example: I need to in initially total each company's pay cost. I have 2 salaries and wages modules for each company: local pay cost and central pay cost. I need to total each companies local and central pay cost. The pay cost module is basically the standard modano salaries & wages module inserted twice for each company.

I created a total pay cost module by inserting a 3 salaries and wages module and then deleting the Assumptions component. I then referenced the category column to the central pay cost assumptions module so that the 17 different pay grade names were picked up. The problem is the freeform formulas I have introduced that sum the pay cost for each grade of the local pay cost and central pay cost from the Outputs modules for local pay cost and central pay cost. This produces a freeform formula error. I have fumbled unsuccessfully with the links and have created multiple further problems that show that is a circular problem!

Michael Hutchens A+ 189

Hi Nick,

This post is a little outside the scope of the Modano Community Forum, which is designed to provide a platform for our users to assist each other with common challenges implementing Modano. Module linking is a very common challenge for (even our most expert) users, but your issue here seems very specific to the model you're developing, and is therefore more a support request than a forum post.

Hence, can you please either:

  1. Provide a specific generic example of the links issue you're experiencing, ideally by uploading ane example file with precise reproduction steps. This example should as simple as possible, not your entire model, as its sole purpose is to highlight a specific challange you'd like help resolving; or
  2. Purchase support credits and request support from one of our experts via the Support section of your Modano account (

As a general comment, freeform formulas should be avoided wherever possible, as they prevent your model from being scalable and rollable, etc. From a linking perspective, this means having a very clear understanding of the linkages between each module in your workbook, which is why our experts spend 40% of the model development time planning and mapping out the model structure and links before diving into Excel.

Your current challenge looks complicated, but not unusual, so I'm sure our support guys will be able to point you in the right direction. M.

Nick Ogle A+ 6

Hi Mike

I have attached an example "Dazed and Confused Ltd" . I am trying to show Pay Cost savings from adopting a target operating model. There is an As Is Pay cost and a TOM Pay Cost. The difference represents pay cost savings. The Pay costs are analysed into 6 grades (categories) with FTE for each grade and Annual cost per FTE by grade. To further complicate matters I have a local pay cost module and a Central Pay Cost module for head office staff charges. Under the As Is case there are no Central staff costs.

AS IS Case: There are 2 pay cost modules (local and central) which need to be summed together to arrive at the total pay cost and total FTE. The total As Is pay cost is £458,000. A summary output only module was added, and the 2 pay modules added together with free form formulas (sorry - currently unable to do this properly)

TOM Case: same as the above, just the FTE and pay cost is different, totals £294,000 pa. The difference of £164,000 pa represents the savings.

I have also inserted an annual dashboard which is used to show the As Is Pay Cost, TOM Pay Cost, and the annual savings from the TOM. I have used freeform formulas to show the desired end result. The problem I am experiencing is how to summarise 2 pay modules to produce a total FTE by grade and total pay cost by grade.


(1) It is the process of linking the 2 pay modules into a single summary output only module that is Not understood.

(2) Linking summary outputs to a dash board.

Thanks, Nick
